Yearning, Longing

Posted Apr 15, 2006
Last Updated Jun 21, 2012
Deified contemplations entwined
I bloom before cenotaphs of wings
Left here in this fearful place of sadness
Sweet laughter take me away from here
Why do I yearn for her?
Why do I long for her?

Sins of adumbral avarice
Essence blossoming in my heart
Twisting, turning heartless moons
Laughing at my hopeless confusion
Why do I yearn for her?
Why do I long for her?

Trysts of passion desired
Lost hunger now restored
Ivory temptation within ebony lust
Testing, jesting I tear out my memory
Why do I yearn for her?
Why do I long for her?

Reverie leaving me drained
Omission of presence drains
Hopelessness replacing terror
Out of reach for ever I fear
Why do I yearn for her?
Why do I long for her?


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